I no longer am doing business on the internet.
The internet does not have anyone that is high quality. All the knowledge that you possibly need is written in some old book from 100 years ago and not online. If you are actively on the internet, you are more than likely a bonehead that deserves to be tortured in Guantanamo Bay for the next 1000 years. I don't want any of you freaks near my stuff and mooching off of my works. I have realized in recent times that there are two types of people in this world. Those that get it and those that don't. Those that do get it, understand. Those that don't get it, will be angry at me for being 'unreasonable'. To tell you the truth... YES! I am unreasonable. What you think is reasonable I spit on. I do not care what 99.9999999999% of numbnuts think.
So there is nothing here,
Go away!